There is an art to dressing well as a man, just as much as there is for women. In fact, it might be more challenging for the guys, given how refined a modern man needs to look. If you are feeling the pressure of fashion, don’t worry. Here are some handy suggestions to get you started.

Focus on Quality Over Quantity
There’s so much more to style than the clothes you wear. The entire ensemble is what makes the man, and every little detail should be carefully considered. Unlike women, who usually look great in anything, the male form requires refinement. A refined outfit always begins with quality footwear, and people will notice your shoes. Purchasing a pair of Alden boots for men gets you off to a great start. However, if luxury is off the table, buy the best you can reasonably afford.
Experiment to Find Your Personal Style
One of the more challenging parts of dressing well is finding a style that works for you. Women can usually choose a specific style and go with it. However, you might find you need to refine and tweak a style for a more personal fit as a man. Of course, this is pretty hard, and most guys don’t like spending time in the dressing room. A good trick is to find a celebrity with a similar build, complexion, and even hairstyle and take some inspiration from how they generally look.
Dressing Well as a Man for Every Occasion
Getting ready for an occasion can be stressful. You have to find the correct clothing, try it on, iron your stuff or polish shoes, groom for it, and keep your clothing safe. Many women love this, but men have a harder time. A survey of 1,000 guys by Perry Ellis found that 81% of men find it hard to dress correctly for an event. But from a Bohemian tea party to your best friend’s wedding, you must always dress appropriately. Pinterest is a great source of inspiration for this.
Notice the Finer Details
As someone once said, “Manners maketh the man.” Manners don’t hurt, but what really makes the man in the eyes of other people are the smaller details you pay attention to. For example, don’t just wear a tie, choose a tie that complements your suit and keep it neat with a tie pin. And your usual bedhead cool look won’t cut it at a formal event! Run a comb through your hair and groom your beard or shave. And what about the watch? The everyday Casio doesn’t cut it.
Be Confident in What You Wear
Most women will tell you that confidence is the key to feeling and looking good. However, like women, men also suffer from many of the same problems that can destroy confidence. Fortunately, you can boost confidence when you feel great in what you wear, and that has other positive benefits. Don’t wear something that doesn’t complement how you look or feel, and ensure that any clothing you do wear is appropriate for the occasion and is the right fit and size.
Quality instead of quantity is one of the keys to dressing well as a man. It also helps to ensure you dress for the occasion, and always wear clothing that gives you confidence and comfort.
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