Health is a complex thing. Everyone is different and has different needs. This is the same for your children. This can be even more challenging, as you need to try and understand what your children are going through and what they need at different times in their lives. Children are not always going to know or understand what is going on with them or how to communicate it with someone. This can often lead to health issues being missed in children. This doesn’t make anyone a bad parent, it is perfectly normal and happens all the time.

The best thing you can do for your children is to be there for them and provide them with a safe, open, and supportive environment so they feel they can open up to you. It can also be important to actively listen to your children when they try to tell you something, believe what they are saying as well as conduct your research to better understand what to look out for in children.
To help you on your journey, here are some common things missed when it comes to children’s health, to help you catch it early and give your children a better life.
Mental health
As your children get older, they are going to be changing all the time. Their moods, their attitude, their friends, their interests, their energy levels, their appearance, and much more are going to be evolving. This is a normal part of life. However, there comes a point where sometimes, this can change negatively. Mental health is often missed in children and can cause a lot of harm and distress for them. It can also be very hard to tell from the outside. Try to support your children and provide them with a space they can open up. Ensure they have someone they can talk to when needed if your relationship with them is not great. Keep an eye out for sudden mood changes or behavior changes, and look out for patterns that may imply they need some support.
Children are more often than not dehydrated. This can be very challenging as most children do not like water or think it is boring, and they do not understand the importance of being hydrated. This leaves them with no motivation to drink water. When they are at places like nursery and school, you are not going to be aware of how much they drink. Hydration is vital for mood, energy, and general bodily functions. Try to educate your children, and provide them with water bottles. This will help with mood, energy levels, digestion and more.
Sometimes, children are mistaken for being naughty or not listening. This can often be the case. But some children have hearing issues that go unnoticed for a long time. This can often cause issues in the classroom, with making friends and impacting the home environment. You can take your child to a hearing specialist if you suspect there may be a hearing issue. Get the complete details from your local specialist on how to prepare your child for an appointment.
Children are complex and it can be hard as an adult to identify issues. Consider these commonly missed issues to see if they resonate with your experience.
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