Many of you have asked about our RAGs (reader appreciation giveaways). Because we truly do appreciate each and every one of you, we decided to bring them back. We've got some great things lined up, starting with a $20 Amazon gift card for October. Enter to Win Enter to win a $20 Amazon ...
March Reader Appreciation Giveaway
It's giveaway time!I'm a little bit behind with my March Reader Appreciation Giveaway but the prize was worth the wait! Up for grabs this month is a whole assortment of kitchen products for one lucky winner. The prize pack includes:DecoBros Stainless Digital Kitchen Scale ($12.97)KUKPO 8-Piece ...
Reader Appreciation Giveaway
We thought it would be fun to do a monthly reader appreciate giveaway - just because we truly do appreciate you all!! Our December RAG (reader appreciate giveaway) was such a hit so let's keep it going! Congrats to Shelly M. for winning that one, by the way! This month's prize ...