We’ve all heard the horror stories of what can happen when kids and a dog really don’t get on. Someone might get bit or seriously hurt. A dog might have to go to a new home. No-one wants that. If you have kids and a dog, you have to make sure they can get on well. Supervising the entirety of the ...
Can A Puppy Help Your Shy Child?
Children come in all shapes and sizes. Some are quiet and reserved while others are natural born entertainers and jokers. You never know what you’re going to get! That doesn’t mean your child’s development won’t affect some of their early character traits. Shy kids can come out of their shells, ...
Man’s Best Friend Isn’t Perfect
We’re not going to tell you not to get a dog. No way. We love dogs. There is just something amazing about home life when you have a dog to come home to, or a dog to keep your child entertained, or a reason to get up and out of the house, even when the weather turns. Dogs are truly amazing. Little ...
Which Pet is Right for You?
Choosing a pet is one of the hardest decisions you, or perhaps your partner and children if it’s a family pet, will ever face. If you love the idea of adding an animal to your family, that almost makes the decision harder, as there’s far too much choice available. You can’t have all the animals on ...
Get The Home Ready For A Pet’s Arrival
So you have decided to buy a pet, but it isn’t as simple as buying it and bringing it home. There are more things to consider than just that. For example, if you are going for a dog you need to work out what the best breed would be for you to ensure it fits with your home. You can’t just come home ...