Every mom deserves a little me time now and then. While everyone's idea of me time may vary, most of us will accept something as small as enjoying a cup of coffee without interruptions as me time. I love to wake up before my daughter, turn on the news, open ...
Back-to-School Brands We Love
For most of us it's officially back-to-school time. We're all get back into the swing of things; the weather is changing and the homework drama has begun. Oh, and did we mention sports? Lots of kids are starting soccer and football in our area which adds even more chaos to the mix. ...
Kitchen tools are going GREEN…
I was first introduced to the Ozeri line of products when I reviewed a small 8" Green Earth frying pan last year. I will say that this little frying pan is the most used pan in our house. We all love its non-stick surface and how easy it cleans. Then, I was lucky enough to review ...
Be KIND to your body with KIND healthy snacks!
Can you pronounce all the ingredients in your snack bars? I just looked on the back of a well known granola type bar and only recognized 6 of the 13 ingredients! In essence, I'm not really sure what I'm eating! Kind of scary, right? With KIND Healthy Snacks you won't find ...
Back-to-School Lunch Ideas
As the kiddos head back to school we often think about what we are going to put in their lunches. Sandwiches are by far the back-to-school lunch fave but they can get to be a little boring and monotonous. This year, try sprucing up your kid's sandwiches with a fun tool from ...