Are you trying to improve your credit rating but you’re not sure how? Are you working hard but not seeing an improvement? Here are five common credit mistakes that you might be making. Remember, if you are in debt and need some support, this site can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel ...
What Kind of Damages Can you Claim After an Accident?
A lot of us have been involved in an accident at some point in our lives. From tripping up at home to trapping our fingers in a car door, it's just a fact of life! Although it's normal to expect scratches, scrapes, bumps and bruises from time to time, when you're involved in an accident ...
Small Business Plan Advice + John Hancock Financial Tips
This post is part of a sponsored collaboration with John Hancock. Please note that I am not a financial advisor, nor a client of John Hancock. These small business plan ideas are my own and not professional advice. I've been running my small blogging business for almost 7 years now and have ...
Fashion & Finance: Resisting The Sales
So you’ve decided that you’re going to be good with money this month... and then the Nordstrom Anniversary sale hit! You’re just going to spend on the things you have to buy. There will be no extra spending, no little treats - you’re basically going to be a modern-day monk and rely on your ...
Protect Your Family’s Finances
Does financial planning fill you with dread? Are you happier spending money than thinking about it? Family finances can be confusing but if you don’t plan ahead you could be gambling with your financial future. Being financially savvy isn’t just about saving or getting the best deals from your ...