Homeowners never know when they will have to spend a fortune to repair their properties. It is for that reason that we all need to build a rainy day fund for repairs. Problems are sure to occur when you least expect them, and when finances are tight. With that in mind, I wanted to highlight some ...
Financial Planning for New Parents
I will never understand why we aren't taught more about surviving in the real world in school. Sure, we are taught things like math, history, geography, etc., but schools in my area don't really focus on real life situations. Kids should be learning more about saving money, investing, preparing ...
Increasing Your Family’s Monthly Budget
Is your family struggling to survive on your current monthly budget? Would you like to boost your income or make savings to turn things around? Then you’ve landed on the right article today. While the ideas on this page seem simple, they’re guaranteed to make an improvement. Hopefully, you’ll notice ...
3 Tips to Improve Credit Score
Your credit rating is what potential lenders look at when you apply for credit or a loan. Making sure that yours is accurate, good or repairing is essential for looking after yours and your family’s finances for the future. Here’s our short guide to help improve credit ratings so that you can ...
Future Finance Savvy
Sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming to start thinking about the future and what you want to be doing when the kids have grown up and fled the nest. When it's still far away, it's easy to put it to the back of your mind and carry on with day to day life. But actually, that is the worst thing you ...