Happy Saturday! Part of my blogging process is getting the right photos of the outfits or products I'm featuring, and that takes a weekly photoshoot with my amazing photographer, Kimberly Sha (view her website here). During our most recent photoshoot to capture some of my Stitch Fix outfits, my ...
Work-At-Home-Mom Life: Balance? Here’s How I Stay Organized!
As you know, I'm a work-at-home-mom. My oldest is in first grade, so she's gone from 8am to 2:19pm every weekday. My youngest is still home and doesn't start preschool until the Fall, where she will only go two half days per week. I don't want to say that having a preschooler at home is a hassle, ...
5 Perfect Careers for Moms
Life as a working mom can be difficult. Even professions that claim to offer flexibility, often don't, and many women struggle to return to work. We like to think that things will get easier once the children are at school, it often doesn't. Young children still need to be dropped off and collected ...
Top Risks Faced by Business Owners
Are you an aspiring business owner? Check out these top risk factors that some business owners face: Infographic created by:- Coverhound ...
How to Travel and Make an Income at the Same Time
Have you ever wished you could jet off to a foreign land for a few months or longer? Many people have this dream, but they never leave home because they think they can't afford to do so or they could lose their job. However, if you look into this idea a bit closer, you'll find that there are many ...