It’s surprising – not to mention a little bit scary – how quickly small expenses around the house can add up and drain your bank account; you’ll think you’ve got a certain amount to spend when all of a sudden, it’s gone on bills and utilities. The good news is that if you can work out what these sneaky money drains are, you can make a few simple changes which will leave you with more cash in your pocket, literally and figuratively. So with that in mind, keep reading to find out what to do.
Stop Paying For Wasted Energy
One of the biggest money drains in most homes is energy consumption, and it might seem as though there’s not a lot that can be done about that – we all need to use electricity and heating, after all. However, the problem is that if you’re not paying attention, you could be using (and therefore paying for) way more than you actually need, and that’s where the problems begin. Things like leaving lights on in empty rooms, running appliances like dishwashers or washing machines when they’re only half-full, and using outdated, energy-hungry devices are just a few ways energy costs can easily spiral out of control before your very eyes.
If you want to fix this issue, you need to be more mindful of how you’re using energy and make some small but important changes. Swap old bulbs for LED ones (they’re more energy-efficient), turn off electronics when they’re not in use, and if you can, upgrade to more energy-efficient appliances – it’ll all help you save money.
Deal With Insufficient Insulation
Here’s a big issue that a lot of people overlook: poor insulation. If your home isn’t properly insulated, you’re probably losing heat in the winter and letting cool air escape in the summer, which basically means your heating and cooling systems have to work twice as hard to keep things comfortable. What does that mean for you? Higher energy bills (and potentially more repair bills too).
To fix this issue, it’s quite simple – you’ll need to add or improve the insulation in your home. If you can do that with the help of experienced insulation companies, you’ll save money, help the planet, and even add value to your home, so it’s well worth it. And you might just be surprised at how much more comfortable your home is to live in when the insulation is fixed, which has to be an added bonus.
Cancel Unused Subscriptions
When you think about household money drains, you’ll probably think about the things we’ve mentioned above, or similar ones at least, but there is another one that you might miss because you’re just so used to seeing the money leave your account each month; subscriptions. If you’re not paying close attention and your subscriptions are renewed each month or year without you noticing (or thinking too much about it), you might end up paying for things you don’t need or use, which is ultimately a big waste of money.
That’s why it’s wise to take some time to go over your bank statements properly and sport any recurring payments for services you’ve forgotten about or don’t need anymore. The point is, if you’re not getting value for something, you shouldn’t be paying for it, so cancel anything that fits into that category and save money at the same time.