A dishwasher is a true lifesaver, especially for those who prefer not to hand wash dishes. It’s a relief when you’re down to every bowl and that one item you can’t seem to part with. The convenience it offers is truly appreciated.
However, much like any other household appliance, your dishwasher can be subject to excessive wear and tear. This can lead to damage, reduced quality, and premature failure. By following the tips in this guide, you can maintain a well-functioning dishwasher, providing you with satisfaction and reassurance.
However, this post is going to delve into some of the best methods for preserving your dishwasher. By avoiding any unnecessary issues through regular maintenance, you can be proactive and responsible, ensuring you won’t have to revert back to the dreaded handwashing.
Clean The Filter
Did you know you’re supposed to clean the filter in your dishwasher after every use? If not, now you do. Neglecting this small act can lead to a decrease in your dishwasher’s performance and even potential damage. While it’s not the most enjoyable task, it’s a crucial step to ensure your dishwasher can perform at its full capacity and get everything clean. All you need to do is locate the filter, remove it (check the manual), rinse it under the tap, dislodge anything that is stuck, leave it to dry, and then replace it.
Scrape off Food Residue
Hand in hand with the above point, scrape off any food residue on the dishes in the dishwasher. While its primary function is indeed to clean chinks of food that can clog the filters, you need to ocean and to make the washer more inefficient. So spend some time scraping leftover food into the bin (or leaving this part to the dog if they are the chief dishwasher) and then run it through the cycle for better results.
Stay On Top of Repairs
Not quite getting the results you expect? Is it making a few odd sounds, or is there excessive noise or movement? These can all be signs of something amiss, and you need to investigate. If you do find a problem getting any repairs rectified fast via an engineer or going at it DIY using replacement dishwasher parts from Appliance Parts Pros
It should be a top priority as the very first sign of a problem. The faster you fix any faults, the faster you can get up and running, and the more you will preserve the lifespan of your dishwasher.
Salt Is The Key
Unlike your body, which can be harmed by too much salt, your dishwasher relies on healthy levels of dishwasher salt (not table) to help it function. The salt has 2 main functions: one is to soften the water to reduce the buildup of hard water deposits, and the second is to keep the dishwasher clean and reduce bacteria from forming and building up. Letting your salt levels run too low or run out completely can cause damage to your dishwasher, so it’s crucial to keep an eye on this component.
Deep Clean
You should be deep cleaning your dishwasher every two months at the very least. However, according to Appliances Direct, the dishwasher is the least likely appliance to be deep cleaned. Run it on an empty wash on the hottest setting, take removable parts out to clean, then check the spray arms for blockages and remove any debris around the inside of the dishwasher. You can use specific dishwasher cleaning products if you wish to help you clean the internal functions, and you can pull them out to clean the exterior and floor underneath during this time, too.