Five-hour flights are bad enough, but ten-hour versions take the problem to the next level. They’re so uncomfortable (unless you pay a fortune for first-class) and getting up and walking around is next to impossible (especially given the amount of random extreme turbulence there’s been in the skies recently).
The best approach is to find new ways to entertain yourself. If you can keep your mind occupied on a long flight, you’re much more likely to come out at the airport on the other end feeling refreshed and revitalized instead of exhausted.
So, what should you be doing to entertain yourself on one of these long flights? Let’s take a look at your options.
Write Something
Writing is an excellent way to pass the time because it’s a whole-brain activity. When you’re focusing on the words on the page, you’re not usually thinking about anything else.
In that sense, it’s actually quite good meditation. It causes your brain to be blank of ego-related thoughts and more focused on the task at hand (unless, of course, you’re writing about yourself).
Therefore, it can be something to help you relax. It can also improve your mood and challenge you, particularly if you’re writing on a difficult subject.
Become A Bookworm
If writing doesn’t quite do it for you, then being a bookworm might. Getting absorbed in a narrative is an excellent way to pass the hours and feel like getting to your destination only took a few minutes.
Ensure you pick up a real page-turner for the flight. Look for nonfiction topics you can obsess over. Alternatively, read a gripping novel that holds your attention from the outset.
Play Some Games
Another option is to play some games, like spider solitaire, on your phone or tablet. These can absorb several hours of concentration before you want to go to sleep. The best games are those that keep track of the score, telling you how well you did each round. On a long flight, you can try to beat your score every time and succeed.
Look Out The Window
Strange as it might sound, looking out the window can also help. Watching the world go by thousands of feet below you is a surreal and strange experience that nothing else seems to replicate. You can watch as mountains give way to the sea or view giant cities from above, marveling at how peaceful and ingenious they look from several miles away.
Looking out of the window is particularly fun when you fly from dense urban airports. These provide great views during takeoff.
Talk To The Person Next To You
Finally, if you’re a social person, try striking up a conversation with the person next to you. You never quite know who might be with you to your left or right on the flight.
Having a chat passes the time but it can also provide valuable information about your destination. Your conversation partner might know which buses to take and what parts of town to avoid.