Losing weight is undoubtedly a great thing to do for your health, but if we are honest, many of us embark on a weight loss journey at least partly, so that we can improve the way we look. So, it can be pretty disheartening, to say the least, when our weight-loss bodies still don’t look quite as good as we had hoped.
Of course, as we get older and go through things like childbirth, weight loss and illness or injury our bodies naturally change, and they are never going to be quite the same as they were before, but that being said, threw are lots of things we can do to improve our post-weight loss bodies, as you will see below.

- Tone Up
If you have lost weight, but things still seem to be a little saggy, then one of the first things you may want to do is tone up. There are lots of ways to do this, from yoga to Pilates, but if you want to get the most bang for your buck, so to speak, then lifting weights and building muscle is undoubtedly the best natural way to reduce loose and saggy skin, and get into the best shape of your life too, of course!
- Try a Skin Tightening Treatment
Of course, if you simply cannot wait for the weights to do their job, then you might want to go for a skin tightening treatment instead. Non-invasive body contouring procedures can tighten you up and have you looking fabulous in no time at all, but of course, if you start to get back into old habits, things could get hairy again, so combining any treatment with a healthy diet and exercise time is smart.
- Derma Rolling
If the cycle of weight gain and loss has led to you having a few more stretch marks than you would like, then you do not have to despair – just get yourself a derma roller. This device, which is basically a plastic roller covered with small needles, is great at stimulating collagen and reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks when used correctly, You can buy them for home use, but having a professional administer your derma roll treatments is probably a good idea if you are a novice.
- A Whole New Wardrobe
Now that you have lost weight, chances are your clothes are a bit baggy and unflattering on your new improved figure. So, a really easy way to start looking better is to simply get out there and buy lots of lovely new clothes. This doesn’t have to be expensive if you use thrift stores and reselling apps to find clothes that fit you in all the right places, and make you look like a million dollars, so why not give it a go?
Your body is amazing and weight loss is impressive, so you should love yourself no matter what, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve yourself even more, right?