If you’ve inherited a used stroller of any kind, you’re most likely dealing with some nasty odors and stains from the previous owners. Or you might just use the heck out of your strollers and are in need of some cleaning help.
I’ve finally found an easy way to clean up a used stroller and can’t wait to share it with you.
We inherited a double B.O.B. jogging stroller from my in-laws, and it had been pretty well loved Anybody who knows about strollers knows that the BOBs are great strollers, so I couldn’t pass it up.
This stroller had been to many theme parks and a million other places, so it had its fair share or Cheerio crumbs, sunscreen, cotton candy, spilled milk and juice boxes, and who knows what else.
My goal was to get the stroller cleaned up before I used it, but I kept pushing the task off. I really didn’t know where to begin and, frankly, thought it was going to take a lot of work to get it looking clean again. Then I came across a company called BuggyLOVE on Amazon and decided to give their products a try after reading the reviews.
Natural Stroller Cleaning Products
BuggyLOVE offers 100% Natural stroller cleaning products. While many companies out there say they offer “Eco-Friendly, Natural or Green” products, many of those products still contain toxins and harmful ingredients like known carcinogenic preservatives, parabens or sulfates.
BuggyLOVE refuses to use these products and chooses to stay out of the “green wash” market. I love how they have shined some light on the “green wash” marketing schemes.
How to Clean a Jogging Stroller
Here is how I got my hand-me-down double jogger to look brand new again:
Step 1 – Vacuum the Stroller Out
Use a shop vac or the tools on your vacuum to get the crumbs out of the nooks and crannies. There were a lot of crumbs in my stroller so it took a little while.
Step 2 – Pressure Wash the Stroller
Use a pressure washer or high pressured hose to rinse the stroller down. If you don’t have a pressure washer you can take the stroller down to the “DIY car wash” nearest you.
Let the stroller dry out a little bit in the sun.
- Tip: Don’t set the stroller outside to dry on ‘City Wide Yard Sale Day.’ Yes I made that mistake and had many lookers and inquiries on purchasing my stroller.
Step 3 – Stain Removal
Tackle the tough stains with FabricLOVE Organic No-Wash Stain Remover. The FabricLOVE cleaner worked instantly on the old mud, juice and milk stains left on the stroller. It also worked on those “unknown” stains.
I used a microfiber cloth to rub most of the stains out and used the BuggyLove brush to scrub the deep stains. Every single stain came out of the stroller.
Step 4 – Clean the Frame
Clean the frame, plastic and wheels with PureLOVE Organic Universal Surface Cleaner. PureLOVE has such a nice smell. I was able to easily wipe away the dirt and grime from the frame and wheel spokes.
Step 5 – Lubricate the Wheels
If you have squeeky wheels you can use the 100% Natural Stroller Lubricant. This made a huge different in how well my wheels started to roll and made them as smooth as butter.
Step 6 – Freshen UP the Fabric
Once the stroller is completely clean and free of stains and grime, spritz it down with some Organic All-Over freshening mist.
Technically, any fabric refresher will work for step 6, but if you purchase the BuggyLOVE kit, you’ll already have their refresher.