Encouraging your kids to take part in sports is a healthy part of being a parent. All kids should be active if they’re able, and most are willing to get involved in some kind of activity, even if it’s just walking. However, as a parent, you might have concerns about some of the consequences of your children participating in sports. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but if you want to consider some of the potential downsides, keep the following things in mind.
Pushing Them to Do Something They Don’t Want
One of the toughest things to get right is encouraging your kids to try something, without forcing them to do something they don’t want to do. You might be keen for your child to get involved in a particular activity, but that doesn’t mean they feel the same. The best way to avoid issues is to choose a sport together.
Putting Pressure On
Competitiveness is another sticky issue that can be hard to navigate. Where’s the balance between participation trophies and piling on the pressure to win? It’s up to you how much competitiveness you think is appropriate, but it’s essential to remember that enjoyment is important too.
Potential Injuries
There’s always a risk of a child getting hurt when they play sports, but that’s true of pretty much any activity. You can make things safer by choosing an appropriate sport, using the right safety gear, and being aware of how to spot common injuries, such as growth plate injuries.
HSS Infographic On Growth Plate Injuries