Summertime is the perfect opportunity to get the family out for a bike ride, but when you have a toddler, a family bike ride can be a bit challenging. iBert is one of the only front child carriers for your bike and has helped our family out quiet a bit. It’s easier to talk and engage with your kid when they are in front rather than behind you, and they get to enjoy the same view as you.
Having a husband that is a cyclist is a little tricky because while he’s out on his daily training rides, the girls and I are just sitting around the house waiting for him to get back. With the iBert, we can now join him on part of his ride through the neighborhoods, or explore the town on our own! (scroll down for my review)
The iBert child bike seat is so easy to install and uninstall and has make family bike rides a breeze. We had been hunting for a solution to be able to ride together, since our little Kendall isn’t old enough to ride her own bike, and the iBert was perfect! It is a little pricey, but if you think you’ll use it as often as we do, it’s a worthwhile investment.