Have you been feeling a little ‘off’ recently? The cause could be lurking in your home. Most of us spend a lot of time in our home environment, and automatically consider it safe from anything that could make us ill. The key is knowing what to watch out for, so that you can treat issues as they arise and before you get really sick. Read on for my top three home horrors to watch out for, and how to fix them…
1. Bed Bugs
These are tiny little creatures that live in and around the area of your bed, and they are thirsty for blood. Thankfully, bed bugs don’t cause serious illness, but if they can irritate your skin if you get a few bites. This is especially true if you have particularly sensitive skin, or if you have a history of skin allergies.
Bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of, so if you’re in any doubt, you should seek professional help. You will find links on how to get that help on this page. Otherwise, you should wash all your bedding at 60 degrees and get rid of any items that seem to be providing a haven for loads of the little blighters!
2. Pet fleas
If you like to have your pooch snuggled up beside you in bed, make sure you treat him with a flea preventive such as k9 advantix 2 on a regular basis. Flea bites are itchy and can be sore, and you can pick up a whole host of nasty infections that are carried by fleas. For example, a tapeworm doesn’t sound like a particularly pleasant thing to carry around with you, and can affect the function of your bowel. The most effective way to get rid of fleas in your home is a thorough vacuuming. Check this out to find out more on how to make sure they don’t come back.
3. Dust
Dust mites feed on human tissue, of which there is plenty in any home. While they are not harmful to everyone who comes into contact with them, they are associated with several debilitating illnesses. These include asthma, eczema and perennial allergic rhinitis. Your bedroom can be a breeding ground for these pesky pests, so make sure that you choose anti-allergy bed covers and clean the room regularly. Getting rid of carpets and installing wooden or laminate flooring can also be a great help in reducing your reaction to dust mites. Allergy UK has lots of useful information on preventing and minimizing illness caused by environmental factors.
Making sure that your home is free from as many irritants as possible gives you and your family a better quality of life. It might take a little effort, but you can’t put a price on your health and well-being. Once you’ve turned your house into a spotless bug free zone, you can move onto turning it into a gorgeous haven of comfort and style.
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Kristie says
Bed bugs can be a problem. I work at a library and we check all the items. We have a bed bug sniffing dog come in every three or four months. Can't be too careful! They are pernicious! Thanks for sharing your tips! This reminds me that I need to dust! LOL kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.