I’m proud to partner with SYLVANIA for the #ItsSafetySeason Activation. As part of my involvement, I have received sponsorship from SYLVANIA for my posts and activities, but all opinions expressed are purely my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at SYLVANIA.com.

It’s getting colder and the nights are closing in. Soon, we will all be making the school run and going to and from work in the dark. But, the shorter days can increase the risk of a range of incidents. As a parent, staying safe on the roads is an essential part of protecting my family. It’s even more important to think about when there’s less daylight and reduced visibility. Most people pay attention to vehicle maintenance issues such as oil and tire pressure. However, many of us don’t realize the importance of having functioning, quality headlights.
Poor visibility in the dark is one of the leading causes of accidents on the road. According to a study by Carnegie Melon, nearly half of all accidents occur at night. This is despite the fact that there is 25 percent less traffic on the roads at night. In addition, fatality rates are almost three times higher at night, according to the National Safety Council. So anyone should be worried about their safety on the road at night. If you have a family, you may be especially concerned about having your kids in the car. During daylight savings, the days are shorter. So periods of poor visibility are longer.
Where I live in northern California, along with the “fall back” time change comes morning and afternoon fog. The country roads out here already have poor visibility. Add fog and darkness to that and it’s a very dangerous situation.
Being unable to see obstacles while driving leads to severe accidents on the road. The National Institute for Traffic and Highway Safety says that poorly lit headlights are the primary cause of accidents at night. When you think about the safety of your car, you need to take your headlights into account. When was the last time you cleaned them or checked their brightness? Headlights get dimmer as they get older, but you might not notice it happening. New headlight bulbs could be the thing that prevents an accident or saves someone’s life.
If you want to make your car safer, a decent set of headlights is essential. SYLVANIA Silverstar ULTRA headlight bulbs are whiter and brighter than most stock bulbs. They offer better clarity on the roads and help increase visibility. They approve not only downroad visibility but also offer better vision at the sides of the road too. Having better visibility is essential when it comes to preventing accidents. You need to be able to see road signs, obstacles and unexpected hazards on the road.
Check out just how clear the SYLVANIA Silverstar ULTRA Headlights are in regular and bright mode:
When you’re driving, your reaction time is critical to preventing accidents. The time it takes you to hit the brakes could be the difference between life and death. For example, it takes a car going 55mph about 265 feet stop. Your reaction time needs to be within 1.5 seconds to avoid hitting an obstacle. Brighter headlights and white lights with better contrast help to address this issue. Better clarity allows you to spot obstacles more quickly and potentially helps you react faster.
Your headlights will dim with use, and it’s best not to wait until they have burnt out. Think back to when you last had them replaced. If you can’t remember, it’s definitely time to get them checked. A bright, white pair like the SYLVANIA Silverstar ULTRA bulbs will give you the clarity you need. You will have a better chance of reacting with speed when you can see more.
Still don’t think it’s a big issue? The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says 9 in 10 vehicles have poor headlights. The means a huge majority of people are taking unnecessary risks with their safety. They are also putting their families and others at risk. It’s important to worry about protecting your family and other people’s families as well. If you’re unsure of the benefits of a good pair of headlights, you only need to look at the statistics. Defective headlights and defective rear lights are two of the main causes of traffic fatalities at night.
Keeping your headlights in good condition isn’t just something you should do in Fall or Winter. To protect your family, you should make sure to maintain them all year. You’ll always need to drive in the dark, from driving the kids to school to getting an early start on a trip to Disneyland. Checking your headlights should be a standard part of your vehicle maintenance, not something we forget about. If you have time to go to a restaurant or watch TV, you have time to change your headlight bulbs. And anyone can do it! The time and money are worth it for the safety of your family and other people on the road.
To learn more about how easy the Sylvania SilverStar Ultra Headlights are to purchase and install, click here.
It is important to have good headlights and wipers! Thanks for the post.
Oh wow, those headlights really work well! We love to go and look for deer at night, and I always get so nervous coming home out of the wild life area…so many deer. Tonight we saw 48….and one on the side of the road wanting to cross when we were heading home. I am going to have to look into those!