Being a parent is one of the best jobs in the world, if you can even call it that! It is rewarding and exciting. It can be hard to describe to a parent-to-be as it is hard to put exactly into words. It can be an exhausting time, though, too. You have small people that depend on you for every single thing in life. When you put it like that, it is easy to see why we do become so tired out as parents. In a perfect world we would all get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. Then you can fully recharge and feel refreshed. That isn’t always a guarantee when you have little ones. It isn’t even a guarantee when the kids are older either! So how can we feel more energized? We have busy lives and can’t always just nap when the baby is napping. Here are some tips that all of the energized parents are doing. So you need to too.
Drink Plenty of Water
You might have expected to see ‘taking a nap’ as the first point. But in fact, mild dehydration can affect our bodies more than we think. For one thing, it can affect headaches. They are the worst to have as a parent as you still have to get on with regular life. But when you aren’t feeling completely right, it makes it even harder work. Being a little dehydrated can also add to the feeling of being tired. So if you are already tired, not drinking enough water will make that feeling worse. So when you feel like you need a little pick-me-up, avoid the soda cans or sugary drinks. Have water instead. It will leave you feeling full, as well as more energized.
Get Yourself Moving
Again; a nap might sound like a slightly more appealing option. But regular exercise has been shown to increase your energy levels. Even more so than taking a nap would do. It can be hard to just drop everything and go to the gym. So think about things that you can do with the kids in tow. If you are going to the park, use it as a time to exercise. Do races with them around the park to get yourself running. Run or jog pushing the stroller or just take a walk around the block. Something like that in the middle of the afternoon can help in a huge way. It might even help the baby to get to sleep.
Regulate Your Coffee Intake
When we feel tired, I think a lot of us can just reach for a caffeine fix. While this can help, it needs to be regulated. It shouldn’t be the only thing that you rely on for energy, though. So be more strict with yourself and how much you have in a day. Be sure to avoid having them in the afternoon or evening too. This can really affect how well you sleep, so best to avoid. If you are looking for a new coffee maker, then you could check out what has to say. Then you won’t have to head out of the house for your coffee fix.
Focus on Your Blood Sugar
One of the things that can give us that dip in energy levels is when we have eaten too much sugar. We get a quick energy fix, but then it can go just as rapidly. Quite often you feel worse after it too. So focus on your blood sugar and how much it can affect you. Avoid having too many foods that are processed. They will keep your blood sugar levels more steady. This keeps your energy levels more steady as a result.
Have a Bedtime Routine
We all know how important it is for our children to have a regular bedtime routine. So why isn’t it good enough for us? So start with one today. Giving yourself time to relax and unwind is vital in creating a good environment for sleep. Avoid using your phone or tablet too close to bedtime. As well as caffeinated drinks or foods. Write down any thoughts and feelings that you have. So they don’t keep you awake worrying about them. You can read more about bedtime routines here, to learn more.
Do you find that any of these things help you as you go about your daily life? I would love to hear what things work to help you feel more energized. If you can sleep when the baby is sleeping, then that is a winning option too.
Great tips. I find once I am sitting down for a bit it is harder to get moving again. And regular bed time is a must in our house.
Thank you for the tips. I need to be better about drinking more water.
Oh these are all such great tips! I so agree that exercise really does make you feel better and gives you so much more energy! I need to drink more water though, and make sure I get enough sleep!
I agree that exercising boosts energy. I have worked out in a while, but now that my daughter is born, I think it's time to get out on some walks in this nice autumn weather.