Bugs Bunny, one of the world’s most popular cartoon characters, returns to entertain viewers in Wabbit, a new animated series set for release on DVD April 26, 2016 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE). The hilarious, heroic and mischievous bunny cartoon lovers adore is ...
Archives for February 2016
Zesty Chicken, Black Bean and Rice Soup
One of my favorite things to buy at Costco is a rotisserie chicken that I don't have to cook. There's a million things you could do with it for dinner like toss it in a salad, make a chicken pasta or a soup. I was feeling soup-er after my last trip to Costco so I decided to do a ...
Coping with Childhood Hearing Loss: 14-Month Hearing and Speech Milestones
When my little Kendall was born, we were told that she has mild to moderate hearing loss. It took hours and hours of testing with multiple audiologists to figure this out, but it didn't come as a complete shock. My husband has similar hearing loss, his cousin has dramatic hearing loss ...
Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa
Needless to say, I'm missing Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa more than ever right now. It's been chilly in California and I'm just dreaming of the clear blue water and clean, warm sand. Social Media on the Sand For those of you that don't know, I attended the ...
Your First Baby Registry – 5 Things You Might Be Doing Wrong
Registering for baby products is one of the most exciting steps in the whole process of having a baby. If this is your first baby, you're likely to go hog-wild with your registry because you don't have actually to pay for the products. This is a time to let your loved ones spoil you, but ...