Tips For Helping Your Child Get A Better Night’s Sleep
If your child has sleep issues, you might be feeling a little stressed out. If they are young, the chances are that each time your child wakes up they also wake you up.
Without the right amount of sleep, neither you nor your child will be able to function properly. So it’s important that you make an effort to get to the bottom of any sleep problems as soon as possible and nip them in the bud.
Sometimes it can be hard to work out what is causing your child’s sleep problem, as it could be down to a number of factors. To help your child get a better night’s sleep here is what you need to do:
Reduce their screen time
It might be hard at first, but cutting down on the amount of time your child spends on the computer will help them to sleep better.
Research has shown that children who play video games within an hour of their bedtime find it more difficult to fall asleep. To ensure that your child gets a good night’s sleep, don’t allow them to use electronics just before bed.
Don’t feed them fruit before bed
Many parents like to give their children fruit before bed for a snack. However, eating fruit before bed can lead to your child not being able to sleep due to the high amount of natural sugar found in fruit.
If you want to give your child a snack before bed, it’s better to give them things like porridge or a slice of toast and peanut butter.
Make their bedroom dark
The best way to get a good night’s sleep is by sleeping in complete darkness. Things like the light from night lights, gadgets, and the street lamps outside can disrupt your child’s sleep.
If your child has a street light outside their bedroom, consider investing in eyelet curtains. These curtains will block out any light from outside and will help your child to get a better night’s sleep.
Many children wake up in the early hours of the morning because light creeps into their room. By investing in blackout curtains, you can prevent this from happening, allowing them to get a good night’s sleep.
Ensure their room is the perfect temperature
Many children become irritable when their bedroom is too hot or too cold and are unable to sleep. If you want your child to get a good night’s sleep, it’s important that you ensure that their bedroom isn’t too hot or cold.
If leaving your child’s window open isn’t enough to keep them cool in the summer, place a fan in their bedroom. During the winter, you can ensure that your child’s bedroom is warm enough by turning on the radiator in their room.
When your child struggles to get a good night’s sleep it can be frustrating, especially when they are waking you up as well. To help your child get a better night’s sleep, follow the tips in this guide, and they should start sleeping soundly again.