This article was made possible by Strider. Any opinion expressed is honest and based on my experience with the brand/product.
Little Charlotte got a “new” princess bike for $10 at a local yard sale. It’s the perfect bike to learn on because she doesn’t have to worry about scuffing it up. It has training wheels, a basket on the front and princess stickers all over. It’s perfect. The only problem is that she’s terrified to ride it without the training wheels.
It is essential for kids to learn balance before they can properly ride a bike. Training wheels throw your balance off and make it difficult to truly learn to ride the bike. For some, the balance comes easily and for others it takes practice to get the hang of it. It turns out, riding a bike isn’t always easy (like the saying goes). Thank goodness for balance bikes.
When I was a kid they didn’t have balance bikes. Nowadays, there are so many brands of balance bikes out there but Strider is by far one of the most popular. My husband and I first learned about Strider a few years ago through the dirt bike industry. One of the rider’s sons had a Strider bike and we thought it was the coolest thing ever.
Fast forward a couple of years and here we are. Sporting the hot pink Strider bike.
Strider has lots of different purchasing options based on your child’s needs size. You can use the Model Comparison Chart below to see which model of Strider would be best for your family.
My daughter will be four in July and is about 36 inches tall and fits well on the Sport model ($119.99). This model comes with two different saddle sizes. One is smaller with a shorter seatpost and the other is padded and bigger with an XL seatpost. She is currently using the larger, padded seat and loves it.
The handlebar pad comes with the bike (thank goodness) and you can purchase foot brakes separately for more advanced riders. There is a grippy footrest towards the back of the bike and there are no tools required to assemble the bike. I actually put this bike together while holding the baby. It was so easy.
Needless to say, Charlotte loves her new Strider. It’s given the confidence she needs to begin riding a bike with pedals without the training wheels and is also just another fun toy to play with in the front and back yards.
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