My husband wrote this on his flight from Texas to Cali today and I convinced him to let me share it with you all…
To: The Lady in the window seat
I want you to realize that you at one time were a child also. To get mad and yell at the children behind you was a bit obnoxious and uncalled for. I don’t know if you noticed how hard the Grandmother was working to try and keep her beautiful grandchildren entertained so they didn’t bug anyone – handing them toys talking to them and taking care of them. Was it really that big of a deal that their short little legs (that cannot bend and touch the floor) hit the back of your seat?
Squeezing your fists and yelling at them was a bit much. Their parents did purchase their tickets and they have a right to be on this plane talking and enjoying themselves with no care in the world.
Should I be allowed to talk to you the way you talked to them? Maybe yell at you for eating your graham crackers like the Cookie Monster? Or tell you to put a piece of gum in your mouth because your breath is rancid? I don’t believe I have the right to tell you how to act or yell at you for that matter. You should be a responsible and caring adult and responsible, caring adults understands that kids are kids. Just a heads-up, they’re wildly more entertaining than that book you are reading or the smart phone you’ve been playing on.
Do you even understand how hard it is to keep a child quietly entertained on a plane? Or how embarrassing it is when they’re loud? It’s a lot of work and for the Grandmother doing it solo with 2 kids in the seat and one lap child this is nothing short of amazing. Sure they moved a couple of times and bumped your seat but they’re not crying, they’re not throwing Cheerios, and they’re not screaming! So before you yell again and cause an embarrassing scene for yourself and the Grandmother, you should think about how you were as a child.
Please be respectful ma’am. They’re just kids. Though curious and fidgety they are beautiful gifts from God and definitely not a nuisance.
The guy sitting next to you