I’ve never been one to grind or clench my teeth…until recently. When I get a little stressed or too busy, I’ve been noticing that I’m clenching my teeth both at night and during the day. My jaw muscles feel tired and stiff most of the time and some of my teeth are feeling more sensitive than others. To order a night guard through my dentist (even with insurance) was going to cost a fortune. Luckily I held off on buying one from my dentist because I found a great professional company called ProTeethGuard.com.
Through ProTeethGuard.com, you can order a custom night guard kit, take your own impression of your teeth and send it direct to the professionals where they’ll get it made to the same quality as what your dentist will provide, at a fraction of the cost. Seriously.
I was sent an impression kit like you see below. You simply chill the yellow and blue putty, blend them together with you fingers, place the dough in the mold and press it onto your teeth. I seemed to master my bottom impression right away but it took me three tries to master the top impression. The company was super nice and helpful and sent me new kits until I got it right.
Once my final impressions were sent in, it was a matter of a week or so until I received my finished dental night guard. The fit is perfect and the quality it top-notch. My dental night guard even came with a free protective case.
My favorite part about using ProTeethGuard.com is the cost. The moderate kit (what I used) is only $159.99. The night guard from my dentist was going to cost more than that even after my insurance paid. You just can’t beat that.
To Order
Visit www.ProTeethGuard.com to browse their list of products to determine which one is right for you.
We love ProTeethGuard.com so much that we want you to be able to experience them, too. We’ve teamed up with them to offer one lucky reader their own dental night guard. Simply enter using the Rafflecopter form below. We will choose one winner on 7/11/14. Good luck!
Before you enter, please vote for us on Top Mommy Blogs by clicking this banner each time you visit this page:
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Yes… When stressed.
I do.
I experience clenching
Yes, I wake up many mornings with pain from clenching and grinding all night long.
My husband complains all the time that my grinding my teeth at night wakes him up. There have been many mornings that I have woken up with a sore jaw and sore teeth from grinding them while I sleep.
Yes, I definitely grind my teeth at night!
i clench my teeth frequently
I occasionally clench my teeth. It depends on how high my stress is.
I clench my teeth a lot during the night!
I constantly clench my teeth during the night. Every morning I wake up with a sore jaw.
This would be great for my husband. He chomps and grinds in his sleep. I know I'm guilty of grinding too, but he's worse!
I grind my teeth at night and when napping. I have cracked several teeth and have worn down my bottom front teeth. It's horrible and nightguards from the dentist are so expensive!
No I don't but I know someone that experiences both.
I do grind my teeth when I sleep. It is usually worse when I am stressed out.
Les Johnson
i do
Yes, I do grind my teeth.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I grind my teeth at night.
Yes, I do grind my teeth at night and I was diagnosed with TMJ. It is painful and I was recommended a night guard to wear but have not been able to get one yet.
I clench my teeth and it cause me to have severe neck pain and headaches.
Yes, I actually am wearing the back of my front teeth off and making all my teeth loose.